May 2012 – The Maersk Oil TriGEN animation, featuring the Siemens OFT-900 turbine, was released just in time for the 2012 OTC conference. This piece tells the story of how aerospace and industrial technology is adapted for use to produce clean power for the oil and gas industry. Take a Look
May 2012 – The CES Gas Generator animation, featuring the J-79 turbine, was released just in time for the 2012 OTC conference. This piece tells the story of how aerospace technology is adapted for use to produce clean power for the oil and gas industry. Check it Out
March 2012 – Clean Energy Systems commissioned Designimations to produce a 1 minute introductory animation that summarizes their technology and serves as an entry portal to their new website. Take a Look
January 2012 – DNV selected Designimations to provide animation services for a special project to kick off the next round of Extraordinary Innovation. This project, called OPera (Offshore Power for the new era), involves the relocation of offshore power production equipment to a centralized power hub. Take a Look
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